Resource Demand Curves Overview

A demand curve is a template of the estimated demand on the resources in a selected resource pool during the stages of a project. The curve is used to apply resources from the pool to projects based on the model and the values in the curve are used to calculate the resources required for time periods, such as months or quarters, in which project stages occur. Each demand curve is valid for the combination of a resource pool and process model, but more than one curve can exist for a resource pool-model pair.

Note:  Demand curves create resource demands per project stage.

Resource Pool Administrators create demand curves for the pools that they own or for any unowned pools. If security lists are in use, a Resource Pool Administrator must also have access to the pool through the security list configuration. Although each curve is available for to apply to any resource in a pool, demand curves can exist that are meant to be applied only to certain individual resources. For example, you could create separate curves for junior and senior engineers in the Engineers pool. How you choose to use demand curves is dependent on how resources and resource pools are defined at your company.

See the following to get started: