Updating Your User Profile Image
Add an image that displays along with your user name in various locations within Accolade. A default image displays until you upload a picture.
Administrators can add an image for you within your Accolade user account. You can modify or remove the image specified for you. Administrators can also modify the image that you add.
To display as an image within Accolade, an image file must be one of the following file types: .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, jfif, or .png.
To add or update your user image:
- Access your user profile and select the Details tab.
- In the Name field, click the image to the left of your name.
If no image is set for your profile, displays.
- Click Choose Image and select the image to add.
- Click Upload File to upload the file to your profile.
Click Apply to save your changes.
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