Defining Project Pages and Display Options

Process Designers can configure each process model to show or hide pages that display within projects based on that model. Pages that can be selected include system-driven pages like Discussions Discussions Page Icon or Resources Reports Page Icon pages, as well as system-driven or custom project page layouts that have been created for use in the model.

To define the project page displays:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > All Models and create a gated, non-gated, or an idea model, or select the model to edit.
  2. Click the Pages tab and navigate to the Pages & Layouts section.

The current list of available page layouts is displayed.

  1. Choose one or more of the following selections to define the project page display options:
Field Description


Select the project page that opens initially when a user goes to a project based on this process model.

The page you select as the landing page determines the entry project page for users even if that page is not selected to be visible.

Important! Project page layouts that have role restrictions or condition rules applied cannot be selected as a landing page.



Select which pages are available for viewing in a project based on this process model.

By default, active system layouts, such as Project Home and Project Gates, display at the top of the project navigation pane. All other custom project pages created using layouts and set as visible display below the system project pages in the project navigation pane based on the layout's assigned order.

If you select only one project page or layout to be visible, the navigation pane does not display in the project. Once you select a second project page or layout to be visible, the navigation pane displays.

  1. (Optional) In the Assigned Rule column, enter a condition rule to be applied to the layout.
  2. (Optional) In the Roles column, define any role restrictions to be applied to the layout.
  3. (Optional) Drag and drop the pages into new locations within the list to customize the order to display on the project page.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Defining the Team Page Display Options

In addition to selecting the pages that display within projects, Process Designers can define the following options for the Team Team Page Icon page when displayed in projects:

  • The information available in each section of the Team page.
  • The default order in which the information displays within each section.
  • Whether to limit user selection on the Team page based on the function assignment.

Consider configuring the Team page using these options if there are projects in your company that do not require team assignments, or whose assignments are set and then locked down to prevent changes, or to control what information is available within the Team page. For more information about the Team page and how it is used to establish a team within a project, see the related topics Assigning Team Members to Projects, Assigning Gatekeepers to Projects, and Managing Workflows in Projects.

To define the project Team page options:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > All Models and create a gated, non-gated, or an idea model, or select the model to edit.
  2. Click the Pages tab and navigate to the Team Page and Management Options section.
  3. For each section of the Team page (project team, workflow action owners, and gatekeepers), do the following:
  • Select whether to display the section by clicking the related Display check box.
  • If the section is selected to display for each column listed, select whether the column is Available or Unavailable.

Unavailable columns are not displayed and are not available for selection if a user chooses to filter the contents on the Team page.

  • Hover over the column name to display Four Point Cursor Icon to drag and drop the columns in each section to set the order displayed on the Team page.
  1. Select the Enforce function on user selection check box to limit the selection of users to those who have the function defined on the assignment.

This option is a global setting for all objects in the model and applies to selections on the Team page, owners of deliverables and activities, workflow action owner assignments, and gatekeeper selections.

To set the enforcement for a single object in the model, for example for an individual deliverable, use the Enforce function on user selection option available for each object. This global setting overrides individual object settings.

Selecting this option also disables the ability to change the function for any assignment and is enforced even if the function is inactive.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • To remove a layout from the list of project pages, click Grey Delete Icon next to the project page listed and click Apply. System pages are not available for deletion from this page.
  • The active system layout Project Home is the default page for users to view and update project history, team and details. Additionally, the active system layout Project Gates is the default page for users to view gate details and information, and record gate decisions. Customize the default project page layouts to fit your organization’s needs. See Building Custom Page Layouts Best Practices for more information.