Work on Deliverables and Activities Overview
Each stage of a project contains one or more deliverables for that particular stage of development. Project team members complete these documents or physical deliverables and executives making process decisions review them to determine if a project continues to move forward.
- Deliverable - A deliverable is a document or other item that is produced for a gate meeting. Its purpose is to help gatekeepers decide whether to continue or discontinue a project. Deliverables can be physical items such as a prototype; however, they are represented in Accolade as documents or as quick grids (or a combination) where document owners can enter information. In addition, a deliverable can have additional reference information attached to it in the form of related documents.
- Activity - An activity is anything that helps to complete, or is part of, a deliverable. For example, the completion of a document that contains research for a deliverable, a sub-document to the deliverable itself that is presented at a gate meeting, or one or a series of tasks that support the completion of the deliverable.
Deliverables and activities can be any of the following types, or a combination:
- File documents, such as documents, spreadsheets, and presentation files.
- Online forms that are completed directly within Accolade.
- Details in the form of quick grids for updating metrics (data gathering points) assigned to the project.
- External documents or web pages.
The various components of a single deliverable or activity are available in the Deliverable/Activity Details, accessible when you click the document's name from anywhere within Accolade. The details provide access to set document dates, assign workflows, enter information in the form of quick grids and extended fields, view dependency information, attach related documents, update the document status and enter status notes, and to access and upload document versions. The information you enter in deliverables and activities updates metrics and values throughout the project.
Deliverables and activities are assigned owners and completed before their required deadlines. Deliverables and activities are editable by those with edit rights in any stage unless the stage is locked or the project is closed.
See the following to get started:
- Viewing Your Assignments
- Managing Deliverables from Stages
- Completing Work on File-Based Deliverables and Activities
- Completing Work on Online Deliverables and Activities
- Adding a Predecessor to a Deliverable or Activity
- Delegating All Your Assignments