Adding a Predecessor to a Deliverable or Activity

Deliverables and activities that have a dependency to another deliverable or activity can be assigned as a predecessor. Predecessors create a link between two deliverables to show that one is dependent on the other and should be completed prior to the deliverable being considered complete.

Project Managers can establish predecessors for deliverables. Before predecessors can be established, all deliverables and activities must be created. Predecessors can be assigned to deliverables within the same project only.

To create a predecessor for deliverables or activities:

  1. Display the project and select the Stages Stages Page Icon page to display all deliverables and activities in the stage.

You can also access all deliverables assigned to you across multiple projects using the My Work page available on the Workspace menu.

  1. Click the deliverable or activity name you want to assign a predecessor to.
  2. From the Contents tree, click More Details.

The Predecessor field may also be available in the Summary pane.

  1. Click Predecessor to display the available deliverables.
  2. Select the deliverable to assign as a predecessor.

Deliverables are grouped by each stage of the project and are in order based upon when each stage is completed within the project. Activities are displayed under the parent deliverable.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

Predecessors can also be established from the Stages page. To add a predecessor, click in the Predecessor field and select a deliverable or activity from the available list. Click Apply to save your changes.

To view a predecessor:

  1. Display the project and select the Stages Stages Page Icon page to display all deliverables and activities in the stage.
  2. Do one of the following to view predecessor information:
  • To display from a project stage - Click Show Columns Icon and select Predecessor to add this column to the table.

To ensure predecessor is always displayed, click Save View Icon to save your current view.

  • To display from Deliverable Details - Select the deliverable and from the Contents tree click More Details.
  • To display predecessors for activities - Select the parent deliverable and from the Contents tree click Activities.
