Adding Activities to Deliverables in Projects

Process Managers, the Project Manager assigned to the project, and the owner assigned to a deliverable within a project can create an activity that is specific to that deliverable in that project only. Create project-specific activities to help complete deliverables that have not been started or are currently in process or to enable the storage of documents that helped create the deliverable.

You cannot add activities to deliverables in a project if the deliverable is set to Completed.

While an activity created in the model appears in all the projects that use the model, an activity created in a project appears only in the project in which it was created, in alphabetical order.

To create an activity for a project deliverable from the deliverable screen:

  1. Display the deliverable within the project.
  2. In the Contents Tree, click Activities.
  3. Click Add Activities (or click Green Add Icon), enter the name of each activity on a separate line, and click Add.
  4. In the Activities section, use the Status drop-down and the Status Notes fields to enter the current status of the activity.
  5. In the Start, Finish, and Deadline fields, manually enter dates, enter the number of days relative to when the stage starts, the number of days relative to when the stage ends, or a percent of stage duration.
  6. Using the Days before stage end, Days after start, or Percent of stage duration allows the dates to shift depending on stage start and end dates for the project, without having to manually re-enter new dates. If dates are manually updated in the project, the defaults specified in the process model will no longer be followed.

  7. Select an activity owner, as necessary.
  8. Field Description


    If a person in a specific job role, such as an Accountant or an Engineer completes the deliverable or activity, select the job role's function from the drop-down list.


    Select the member of the project team that owns the completion of this activity.

  9. Click Apply to save your changes.

To make additional changes to the activity, such as to modify the activity's name, description, or to assign a workflow to the activity, click the activity name in the Activity section or in the Contents tree to display the activity and click More Details in the Contents tree.

To create an activity for a project deliverable from the project time view screen:

  1. Open the Project Time View layout on a project.
  2. Locate the deliverable to which you wish to add an activity and click the Green Add Icon icon in the far right column.
  3. A new blank row corresponding to the added activity will appear and automatically be highlighted.
  4. Enter a name for the new activity by clicking the blank name column in the new row.
  5. Enter values for the new activity's Owner, Status, Function, Start, Finish, and Deadline fields if desired.
  6. An error message will appear if the user clicks Apply without entering a name for an added activity. To proceed, the user must close the error message, enter a name, and then click Apply again.

To create an activity for a project deliverable from the Stages tab:

  1. Display a project, and select the Stages page.

  2. Go to the stage that your deliverable lives in.

  3. Locate the required deliverable or activity, and click on More.

  4. Select Add Activity.

  5. Enter a name, or names if multiple activities are required, and click on Add. Your deliverables will be created and added to the deliverable.

  6. Click on the fields of the added row or card, and enter details as needed.


  • To delete an activity added to the deliverable, display the activities list, click Delete Icon in the activity to remove, and click Apply. You must have Delete Activity rights to delete an activity.
  • You cannot associate a template with activities created in projects. The activity owner can upload the files to create versions, but a project-created activity cannot have an online document.
  • Activities added to deliverables in projects respect the Default New Versions to Published system parameter. Process Designers can determine publish options when adding activities to deliverables in process models.
  • Depending on the workflow settings for the deliverable in the model, you may not be able to add an activity to a deliverable while the deliverable is in a workflow.