Evaluating a Project's Readiness for Gates

A project's readiness for the next gate meeting is determined by the completion of the required deliverables in the current stage.

Executives, Process Managers, the assigned Project Manager, and gatekeepers and owners can view the list of deliverables and their current status from the following locations available in the Workspace menu:

  • Upcoming Gates (Executives, Process Managers, Gatekeepers, Gate Owners)
  • My Work (Project Manager)

Within these pages, the following icons indicate a project's status:

  • Complete Status Icon - All deliverables are set as Complete or Not Required. Projects that display with this icon are considered ready for the next gate meeting.
  • Warning Icon - The project is within the warning period before the gate meeting and one or more deliverables are not complete. The warning period is defined in the Number of Days for Gate Meeting Warning system parameter.
  • In Trouble Flag Icon - One or more deliverables are set to in trouble.
  • Previous Conditions Icon - Conditions for the previous gate still must be met.

In addition, anyone with access to the project can view a list of deliverables and their current completion status in the project itself on the Stages Stages Page Icon page. View the stage and review the status within the Status column.

Process Designers can add a Gate Readiness pod to a page layout and add the layout to the project to provide a graphical view of the percentage of work in the current stage that is completed, in progress, or not started. Depending on your system's configuration, you may be able to view a gate readiness graph on the Project Home Project Home Page Icon page.

Flagging Projects as In Trouble

If there are a large number of deliverables that are not yet ready for an approaching gate meeting, a Process Manager with Manage Process rights and the assigned Project Manager can set an entire project as being in trouble, instead of individual deliverables. If the project is flagged as in trouble, the In Trouble Flag Icon displays next to the project name in the Upcoming Gates page, the My Work page, and in the upper right corner of the project header as well as in Search.

To flag a project as In Trouble:

  1. Display the project.
  2. Click Details Page Icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Manage "In Trouble" Flag.
  3. Select the In Trouble option to mark the project as in trouble.
  4. Enter a note about why the project is in trouble and select the reason.
  5. Click OK.

Manage the flag by clicking In Trouble Flag Icon in the upper right corner of the project header. When a project is no longer in trouble, click Details Page Icon in the upper right corner of the project page, select Manage "In Trouble" Flag, and clear the In Trouble option.