Managing Projects in Project Portfolios
Portfolio Managers can manage their project portfolios by ranking projects in order of importance within the portfolio and updating target metric values that roll up to the portfolio's parent project.
Important! The parent's roll-up metric values include only the projects that you have visibility to when you view the Portfolio page. It is possible that you have access to projects in one location that you do not have access to in another location, if Accolade prompted you for a location when you logged in.
Changing a Project's Target Metric Values
Number metrics that are set to roll their values up from projects to their parent portfolio are displayed within the Portfolio page. The displayed metrics show the relationship between the metric values in the project's portfolio (Roll up) and the values in the project itself (Target).
To modify the metric target values in a portfolio project:
- Display the project that is the container project in the portfolio and select the Portfolio
- In the Portfolio Summary section, enter metric values in the Target column, as appropriate.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Changing a Project's Rank in a Portfolio
A project's rank within a portfolio indicates its relationship rank against the other projects within the portfolio. Ranking is used for decisions such as resource allocation for projects across the portfolio.
Project ranks can be updated within a project, in a pod (Portfolio Project List) within a layout, and in Portfolio Optimizer. If a list of projects within a portfolio displays in a pod on a page, drag and drop the project to a different place within the list to change its rank. To display a project within Portfolio Optimizer, click Open in Portfolio Optimizer from the Portfolio page within the project.
To change a project's portfolio rank:
- Display the project that is the parent, container project in the portfolio and select the Portfolio
- In the Projects in Portfolio section, click in the Rank column in the row of the project that you want to update.
- Enter the new rank number.
Do not enter the same rank value for two or more projects in the portfolio. Doing so prevents ranking changes of those projects in Portfolio Optimizer from being saved to the server.
It is not necessary to enter sequential ranking values, though it would seem to be less confusing to do so. For example, if there were 10 projects in your portfolio, you could assign one of them the rank of 15. If the projects were re-ranked in Portfolio Optimizer, the lowest ranking project still displays a rank of 15 until you change the rank value.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
- Adding Dynamic Filters to Online Reports
- Adding Projects to Project Portfolios
- Creating Process Models for Portfolio Projects
- Creating Project Portfolio Level Reports
- Linking Related Projects
- Manage Project Portfolios Overview
- Managing Projects in Project Portfolios
- Navigating Project Portfolios
- Viewing Relationships in Project Portfolios