Viewing Relationships in Project Portfolios
The Portfolio Browser displays the links to a project where users with project access can analyze the relationships between the projects within the project's portfolio. The Portfolio Browser initially displays the related project links from this project to other projects to which you have access. After you display this project's links, you can click a different project to make it the focus of the browser and view its links.
Note: You may be asked to select a location when you access Accolade. Your selection can restrict your access to projects and information to only those allowed to be viewed from that location. It is possible that you have access to information in one location that you do not have access to in another location. Restrictions are in place to ensure your company's intellectual property is not in danger based on the laws and regulations in various countries.
To view the project's relationships:
- Display the project whose related projects you want to view and click the Portfolio Browser
- Set the following options to determine what displays in the Portfolio Browser view:
- Specify which link types to display - In the Link Types list, select the check boxes to specify which link types to include in the display.
- Select the distance from the current project to display - In the Level field, drag the slider to the number of links (distance) from the focus project that you want to show.
For example, If there are links from A to B and from B to C, the distance from A to C is 2 and from B to C is 1.
- Select to include or exclude closed project - Select the Show Links to Closed Projects check box to display links to closed projects.
- Select one or more of the following display options to control how the project link display renders:
- Set the display to automatically avoid overlaps as you move projects - Select the Dynamic Layout check box. When this option is selected, as you move projects around in the browser display, the other projects automatically move to avoid overlapping. Clear this option to lock all projects in place except the one you select and drag to move.
- Set the parent project in the center of the display - Select the Lock Project to Center check box to keep the portfolio project centered within the browser display, even as you move other projects around in the browser display.
- Do one of the following to set the size of the Portfolio Browser display:
- Auto size the Portfolio Browser to fit the contents - Select the Auto Canvas check box.
- Manually size the Portfolio Browser - Clear the Auto Canvas check box and enter the size in pixels in the Height and Width fields.
- Click
to refresh the page and view the links with the currently selected settings. To automate the placement of the icons, click
- Click
to save the display selections.
Click to download the Portfolio Browser image for use in other applications such as PowerPoint or Word. Click
to send the image to the printer of your choice.
- Adding Dynamic Filters to Online Reports
- Adding Projects to Project Portfolios
- Creating Process Models for Portfolio Projects
- Creating Project Portfolio Level Reports
- Linking Related Projects
- Manage Project Portfolios Overview
- Managing Projects in Project Portfolios
- Navigating Project Portfolios
- Viewing Relationships in Project Portfolios