Adding Projects to Project Portfolios
If your company runs the portfolio components within Accolade, projects can be part of a portfolio collection. Portfolios can include related projects, or it may include all projects to which a Process Manager has Manage Process rights. Creating portfolios allows Process Managers and Portfolio Managers to manage and evaluate similar projects in relation to each other.
Projects that are linked to the parent project using the Child Relationship link type are automatically added to the parent project's portfolio.
For a project to be a parent project that includes the collection of projects, the project's class must be set to Is Portfolio.
To add a project to a portfolio within a project;
- Display the project that is the parent project in the portfolio and select the Portfolio
- Click Include Projects and search for projects to add to the portfolio.
If you select all classes and do not filter by project name, the search finds all the projects to which you have access.
- In the Select Projects dialog, select the projects to include by double-clicking on the project name.
- Click Done to add the projects to the portfolio.
The selected projects are added to the portfolio and the needed project links are created in the project and the portfolio projects.
- Adding Dynamic Filters to Online Reports
- Adding Projects to Project Portfolios
- Creating Process Models for Portfolio Projects
- Creating Project Portfolio Level Reports
- Linking Related Projects
- Manage Project Portfolios Overview
- Managing Projects in Project Portfolios
- Navigating Project Portfolios
- Viewing Relationships in Project Portfolios