Setting Up Time Tracking

Before Accolade users can enter or approve time, Administrators and Process Designers must setup Timesheet Entry, including the following:

Timesheet Units of Measure

The day fields within timesheets accept whole and partial numbers between 0 and 99.99. To ensure that each user is entering time in the same unit of measure, set your own definition about how users track their time. For example, are users to track time by hours or by the percentage of the day they spent working on a project. This is a standard you should set within your projects and across your company. There is not a parameter or setting within Accolade that controls the unit of measure.

Timesheet Tracking Fields

To properly record timesheet information, use Accolade extended fields to add additional data columns that are specific to your company's time tracking requirements to the Timesheet Entry page. For example, your company may require that time that is billable to a customer be tracked separately than non-billable time, or that time worked in a different state or country be tracked separately for tax filing purposes. See Adding Custom Details Throughout Accolade for information about limits on extended fields.

To add additional fields to the Timesheet Entry page:

  1. From the System menu, select Configuration > Extended Fields.

If necessary, create an extended field, or expand the section that contains the field you want to make available in timesheets.

  1. In the Timesheet column for each extended field to include, select the Active check box.
  2. Click Apply to save your changes.

Timesheet Entry Access

The Timesheet User role is required for a user to have access to Timesheet entry.

To grant access for timesheet entry:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.
  2. In the Users list, click the name of the user to open the user details for editing .
  3. Select Roles and Rights and select Timesheet User.
  4. Click Save Icon to save your changes.

Timesheet Project Availability

Your company may have projects that you include in Accolade that do not have time tracked against them. You can restrict timesheet entry at the class level, or at the project level.

  • Class Level - Process Designers and Administrators can define which classes allow timesheet entry for the projects created for models within that class. Only projects within a class that allows timesheet entry are available for selection within users' timesheets. Classes are set to be included in Time Tracking by default.
  • Project Level - At the individual project level, Process Managers and the assigned project manager can select whether the project is available for all timesheet users, only those on the team, or not available at all for timesheet entry. The entry selected is saved with the project team for use in other projects. Projects are set to be available to all timesheet users by default. See Enabling Time Tracking for Projects.

To define a class to allow timesheet entry:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > Classes.
  2. Click the name of the class you want to edit or create a class.
  3. In the class definition, select Include in Time Tracking to include projects within this class in timesheets.

Clear the check box if projects in this class do not require time tracked to them.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

Timesheet Approval Access

The Timesheet Approver user role is required for a user to be assigned to a resource pool as its timesheet approver. Users assigned as the Timesheet Approver in a resource pool approve all timesheets for users within that pool. See Approving and Rejecting Timesheets.

Note:  Assigned Project Managers have access to approve time for their projects without the addition of the Timesheet Approver role.

To assign users the Timesheet Approver role:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.
  2. In the Users list, click the name of the user to open the user details for editing .
  3. Select Roles and Rights and select Timesheet Approver.
  4. Click Save Icon to save your changes.


  • The Weekly Start Day system parameter determines the day of the week on which a time period starts. This parameter is set so a time period starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. If you require a different time period start day, contact Sopheon Customer Support.
  • Time Tracking is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.