Tracking Time Spent on Projects

As the Project Manager for a project or your manager directs, enter the time you spend working on projects using the Timesheet Entry screen. Enter your time as accurately as possible to correctly reflect the amount of time you spent on a project each day. When your timesheet is complete for the time period, submit your time sheet for approval.

If another user has delegated their assignments to you, and you are not part of the original project team, you only have access to the project with the delegated assignments during the delegation period.

To track time spent on a project:

  1. From the Workspace menu, select My Workspace > Timesheet.

The timesheet for the current week displays.

To select a different time period, click or Right Arrow Icon to move to a different timesheet, or click Calendar Icon and select a date to display the timesheet that includes that date.

The current status of the timesheet displays under the time period at the top of the page.

  1. To add projects to the timesheet, click Green Add Icon, select one or more projects from the list, and click OK.

Projects that display in this list are determined by the project's availability for timesheet entry and your access to the project.

  1. (Optional) - Narrow the list of available projects to add by searching by the project name in the Project Name Contains field or by checking the My Current Projects check box. When checked, the list filters to projects you are assigned to as either a team member, team leader, workflow action owner, or gatekeeper. To return to the complete list of available projects, clear the search entry box and uncheck the check box.
  2. Enter your time in the appropriate day columns and select any additional information required for your company's time tracking requirements.

Your timesheet may include only the project and day columns; however, if your company requires more detail when tracking your time, there could be one or more additional columns that you need to complete when entering your time spent on a project. For example, country or state codes, or you may need to indicate which hours on your timesheet are billable to a customer. The additional columns available are unique to your company.

If Resource Planning is enabled, a read only Resource Pool field displays. This field shows the resource pool you are a part of when submitting time, is available to view in reports, and helps the Project Manager and Resource Demand Planner with future planning. If you are not part of a resource pool, the field will be blank.

Note:  If daily maximum values or day restrictions are set by system parameters, you may not be able to enter time on each day or enter a value greater than the maximum daily value set. The system may clear out values entered on restricted days or above the maximum value, depending on the parameter configuration, and require you to correct the timesheet before submitting.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes, or Reset to revert your changes to the last saved version.

Next time you open the timesheet, any projects added display in the timesheet in alphabetical order.

  1. When your timesheet is complete for the period, click Submit to send your timesheet to your Project Manager for approval.

Next time you begin a timesheet for a new time period, Accolade displays a pre-populated timesheet with the latest prior timesheet rows including projects and extended field settings unique to your company. The time entry fields are blank and projects you no longer have rights to submit time against no longer display in the projects column.

Submitted timesheets that are waiting for approval or that are in the approval process display as view only. To make corrections to submitted timesheets, display the timesheet and click Reopen. The approval status displays at the top of each timesheet under the time period date.


  • To delete a row from a timesheet, click Delete Icon next to the name of the project. All time entered for the project in that row is also deleted.
  • To make corrections to a rejected timesheet, open the time sheet, update it as necessary, and click Submit to resubmit it for approval.
  • If you are an action owner in a workflow for a project (or a delegated owner), you can enter time for the project if you have approved or rejected your action, or if you are an action owner for a workflow that is in progress. If a workflow has not started, the project may not be available to you if you are not assigned as a member of the project team outside the workflow.
  • Time Tracking is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.