Matrices for Project Data Analysis Overview

A matrix is a collection of metrics intended to model complex relationships between different data types. For example, a matrix could show how several aspects of project performance change over time. Matrices show how one or more metrics changes or is expected to change in relationship to changes in critical factors such as time or location. A matrix can also be a project management tool. For example, to assign action items to members of a project.

Administrators or Process Designers create metrics, flag them as being available to a matrix, and define matrices. Process Designers assign matrices to deliverables or activities in process models. Project Managers and document owners have access to matrices within projects through an MS Excel template or on a grid within a deliverable or activity.

Combination Matrices

A matrix added with a Smart Excel template is available to any quick grid that is associated with that matrix in the project. That is, a Smart Excel template on one deliverable could be used to populate a set of rows in the matrix in a quick grid in a different deliverable.

Filterable Matrices

You can create filterable matrices that are associated with multiple documents in the same project, allowing multiple users to work on the same matrix without overwriting each other's entries. Using matrix metric filters in deliverables and activities within a model, you can:

  • Delegate the completion of a matrix to multiple team members through separate deliverables and activities within a model.
  • Set only portions of a matrix for viewing or editing.
  • Provide additional safeguards against unintended matrix data updates.

To create a filterable matrix:

  1. Create a matrix containing one or more filter list metrics.
  2. Select which metric within the matrix is filterable.
  3. Associate the matrix to a process model.
  4. Within a deliverable or activity in the model definition, select the appropriate matrix filter options.
  5. Configure and upload the matrix template that contains the filterable matrix.

See the following to get started: