Creating Metrics

Metrics vary widely based on the type of information required at your company. The procedure below discusses how to create the basis for any metric. See the additional topics in the Learn More list below to add features such as expressions to form calculated metrics.

Planners can also create metrics when defining a planning element in Accolade Innovation Planning. Metrics created in Innovation Planning contain a subset of options that are applicable to metric usage in Innovation Planning.

To create a metric:

  1. From the System menu, select Content Sources > Metrics.

To narrow the metric list, search by the metric name, system name, or category.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new metric - Click Add New in the upper right corner of the page.
  • To edit an existing metric - Click the name of the metric to open it for editing.
  • To create a metric based on an existing metric - Click Copy Icon in the Copy column to create a copy that can be used as a base to build a new metric.

To copy a metric, the user must have "Can Edit" for at least one access group in the system and "Can View" for at least one access group on the metric. If you "Can Edit" any of the access groups the metric belongs to, the copy will have those groups. If you do not have "Can Edit" on any of the metric's access groups, the copy inherits your highest access group you can edit. See Designing the Access Group Hierarchy for more information on access groups.

  1. Complete the following information to identify and describe the metric:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description

Display Name

Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the metric.

System Name

Enter a unique, shorter name that identifies the metric in queries, reporting views, Accolade Office Extensions add-in, Accolade online reports, and field codes, and other areas in Accolade.

The name must be unique among metrics and can contain only letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.

Note:  Modifying system names of existing metrics is not recommended. If you modify an existing system name, you must also update the name in each query, report, template, and so on that references the metric.


Enter a description of the purpose or nature of the metric.

This description helps other users identify the metric throughout the system.



Enter a number to specify the metric's place when it displays in a list of metrics. Lower numbered metrics display higher in the list.

  1. (Optional) If the Available to Planning check box is selected AND the metric is defined as a date type, select a list metric with defined colors to set the color of a milestone date icon when included in a planning view. See Assigning Milestone Metrics to Planning Element Types for more information.
  2. Select the Active check box when the metric is ready to use in projects.

To deactivate a metric that is not in use, clear the Active check box. Note that you can only deactivate metrics that are not included on a model.

  1. In the Restrict to These Roles field, select one or more user roles to restrict the metric availability to users with one of those roles.
  2. In the Initialize From field, select the metric whose value you want to display in this metric before another value is entered. This list contains other metrics of the same data type.
  3. In the Data Type field, select the type of data this metric represents.
  4. The Data Type selection determines what other options are available when configuring the metric.

    Data Type Description


    Creates a text box that accepts up to 500 characters.


    Creates a text box that accepts only numerals, a decimal point, and a dash.

    Number metrics have a 15 character limit (including decimal points and dashes).


    Creates a calendar control that enables a date selection.

    Date metrics can also be defined as milestone dates.


    Creates a drop-down list of items for a single selection.

    The complete list has a 2500 character limit, and each entry in the list has a 500 character limit for the list item display name. If the list source is a query or reference table, the list character limit does not apply.

    Long String

    Creates a text box where the options and character limit depends on if the Rich Text check box is enabled:

    • If Rich Text is enabled - Allows users to format the text using buttons in the toolbar of the text box. There is a 2 GB limit to data that can be entered.
    • If Rich Text is not enabled - Allows users to enter plain text that can be formatted using markdown formatting. There is a 2000 character limit.

    Long String metrics cannot be flagged as filter metrics.

    If you require more than 2000 characters, enable the Rich Text check box or enable one or more Extended Project Data fields in the metadata in the process model. See Capturing Large Data Strings in Accolade for more information.

    Multi-Select List

    Creates a drop-down list of items for multiple selections.

    Data limits are the same as for an ordinary list. The complete list has a 2500 character limit.

  5. Complete the appropriate options for the metric type you are defining.
  6. Associate the metric to multiple models.
  7. On the Security tab, configure access group restrictions for the metric.
  8. Click Process Model Usage on the Security tab to see the list of process models that the metric is associated with. The list includes all process models the metric is included in, as well as links to the process model's component tree pages that you have Edit access to.

  9. Click Create to create the new metric or Apply to save changes to an existing metric.
  10. (Optional) Continue with creating and scheduling metric calculations by selecting the Calculated Formula and Events tab to calculate the metric value from an expression of one or more metrics or Accolade fields and assign when the metric will calculate by based on a specific event or designated time.


  • Administrators can view existing metric definitions, but cannot add or modify metrics.

  • Accolade is installed with limits to the number of metrics available to reporting via the Accolade Office Extensions add-in.
  • Number - 900
  • Date - 900
  • List - 450
  • Multi-Select List - 250
  • String - 200
  • Long String - 50
  • Accolade Portfolio Optimizer, Innovation Planning and Roadmapping are optional Accolade components that you may not have access to. To implement these solutions, contact Sopheon Customer Support.