Process Model Component Tree

A component tree has been added to the process model configuration definition, displaying all Accolade objects associated with the process model, including stages, gates, deliverables, activities, custom layouts, metrics, matrices, charts, reports, queries, quick grids, templates, and workflows. With a quick view, Process Designers can determine which Accolade components have been correctly configured based on access group security restrictions.

To view a process model's related components:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > All Models and select the model to edit.
  2. Click the Component Tree tab to display the process components.

The components are grouped by type and can be expanded for additional review. Clicking on the component name will display the process model's parent access group on the left, and the component's access group on the right.

Misaligned components will be highlighted in the component tree with a In Trouble Icon or Warning Icon.

  1. Review and align the configuration access groups using the following guidelines:
Field Description

In Trouble

In Trouble Icon

This error states that the access group configuration of this item is inconsistent with one or more items that use it.

To resolve, do one of the following:

  • If the mismatch is on the parent side, the issue can be resolved by aligning the process model's access group on the Security tab.
  • If the mismatch is on the component side, the issue can be resolved by aligning the component's access group in the component tree panel.


Warning Icon

This warning states that the access group configuration of an ancestor is inconsistent with one or more items that use it.

This is usually resolved when the error at the parent level is addressed, If there is still a mismatch, do one of the following:

  • If the mismatch is on the parent side, the issue can be resolved by aligning the process model's access group on the Security tab.
  • If the mismatch is on the component side, the issue can be resolved by aligning the component's access group in the component tree panel.
  1. Click Apply to save your changes.