Financial Data Metrics

Financial data metrics display metric values corresponding to a project's financial information, and are typically used to assess the financial state of a project. To view the financial data metrics, navigate to the System > Content Sources > Metrics page, click on the Category drop-down and select Core Cash Flow.

In Accolade, financial data metrics are system generated, and hence, do not need to be created anew and cannot be deleted. However, if required, these metrics' field information can be edited, with the exception of the System Name and Data Type fields.

Note:  All system generated metrics begin with a tilde (~).

Additionally, when a project is integrated with Acclaim Projects, actual and planned costs are sent back and forth between the two applications. This allows the volumes of financial information stored in Acclaim Projects to be subtotaled and sent to Accolade daily, where it can be rolled up into a single line to make it easy to see monthly totals.

Note:  Acclaim Projects is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.