Assigning Metric Filters in Matrices to Deliverables and Activities in Models

A matrix assigned to a deliverable or activity within a model can also include a filter (based on a filter metric). Using a filter metric on a matrix makes it possible for different document owners to edit different parts of the matrix based on the content of the filter metric.

Using a filter metric on a matrix within a model has the following requirements:

When matrix filters are set as visible on a deliverable or activity, they are included in the deliverable or activity More Details section for the document within a project. Process Managers (and Idea Managers for Idea projects) with Manage Process rights and the assigned Project Manager can change the filtering options for deliverables and activities within the project. The deliverable owner can change options for activities for their deliverable.

You can associate a matrix with a deliverable or activity without applying a filter. However, selecting the filtering options enables multiple users to view and update portions of a matrix without conflicts.

To assign a metric filter in a matrix on a deliverable or activity in a model:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > All Models and create a gated, non-gated, or an idea model, or select the model to edit.
  2. In the Model tree, expand the stage Stage Icon and select the deliverable or activity.
  3. Expand the Matrix Metrics Filters section at the bottom of the page to display the filter options.
  4. (Optional) In the Display in Project column, select the check box to allow Project Managers, Deliverable Owners (for activities only), and Process Managers with Manage Process rights to update the matrix filter criteria within projects that use this model.

Assignment owners without the rights outlined in step 5 do not have the ability to change the matrix filter criteria for his or her assignments.

  1. In the Filter column for each selected matrix, select from one of the following options:
  • Display and update all rows - Select this option if the matrix is only available on this deliverable or activity within the stage and only one owner makes edits to the matrix. The filter options do not apply.
  • Display and update only rows containing - Select this option to limit the display to only the rows that the document owner can update. Select the filtering value when the matrix is in more than one deliverable.
  • Display all rows and update only rows containing - Select this option if the owner should see the entire matrix, but is only able update rows containing the selected values.

Multiple values selected in a matrix are treated as "or" selections. If you select two or more matrix columns for filtering, the combinations of the columns is treated as an "AND" operation.

  1. Click Create to add the new deliverable or activity, or click Save to save changes to an existing deliverable or activity.

Create and upload a matrix template so the matrix is available within projects. Create the document template the same way as you would if using an unfiltered matrix.