Creating Project Pages Condition Rules

Project page conditions are comprised of metric-driven rules that Process Designers create and assign to project pages layouts in a process model configuration. When a condition rule is assigned to a project page layout, the metric has an assigned value it must equal in order for the project page to display for users with selected Accolade roles when viewing the project.

Condition rules are applied as follows:

If "MetricName" = Value, the project page is shown.

If "MetricName" ≠ Value, the project page is hidden.

To create a rule for project page conditions:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > All Models and create a gated, non-gated, or an idea model, or select the model to edit.
  2. Click the Pages tab and navigate to the Pages & Layouts section.

The current list of available project page layouts is displayed, along with any applied role restrictions and condition rules.

  1. Locate the project page layout you wish to apply the conditional rule to. In the Assigned Rule column, click Click to edit and select New Rule.

To select an existing rule, click Existing Rule and select the applicable rule from the drop-down list.

  1. Enter the following details to define the new rule:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the rule.

Sopheon recommends using a rule name that clearly indicates the rule's purpose. Once created, a conditional rule may be applied to restrict visibility to one or more deliverables, activities, and/or project page layouts that are included in a process model's configuration.


System Name

Enter a unique, shorter name that identifies the rule in queries, reporting views, field codes, and other places in Accolade.

The name must be unique among condition rules and can contain only letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.


Click Blue Search Icon to select the metric that defines the rule.

In the Metric Select dialog, choose the metric category and search for the appropriate metric. Once selected, click Done to add the metric. Note that string and list metrics are the only metric data types allowed.

Calculated metrics can be used to create complex rules that incorporate other metric data types. The calculated metric, however, must still return a string or list value.

Condition Value

Enter a value the selected metric must equal in order to display the project page.

The conditional value is not case sensitive to the metric value set.

  1. Click Done to add the rule.

The condition rule is added to the Assigned Rule column for the selected project page layout.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • The metric referenced by the condition rule must be associated with the process model and must contain a value in order for the conditions to apply to the project. If the project metric value is empty or null, project pages will default to show in all open projects.
  • To change the rule that is currently applied to a project page layout, click the name of the rule that is currently applied. In the Manage Conditional Rule dialog box, either select a different existing rule or create a new rule, and click Done.
  • To remove a condition rule from a project page layout, click the name of the rule that is currently applied. In the Manage Conditional Rule dialog box, either select a different existing rule or create a new rule, and click Done.
  • To delete an existing condition rule, navigate to the Conditions tab and click Grey Delete Icon next to the rule in the list. Deleting the rule also clears its associations to any project page layouts or other components and thus shows the project page when viewed within a project.
  • To edit an existing condition rule, navigate to the Conditions tab. Click Edit Pencil Icon to display the rule details, make the necessary changes, and click Done.
  • Condition rules cannot be applied to a project page layout that is selected as the landing page for projects based on the process model.

It is best practice to not edit condition rules once they are assigned. If a rule is no longer in use or valuable, delete the rule. Understand that any changes to a rule definition after it is assigned will trigger recalculations across projects and show/hide information accordingly.

  • Condition rules cannot be applied to a project page layout that is selected as the landing page for projects based on the process model.