Creating HTML Reports

An HTML report uses a single SQL query to gather data and can be accessible from the Charts & Reports page or from within a project. Users who have the role assignment selected in the report can also select to receive the report in the body of an email.

Use the Report Privacy Warning Text system parameter to add a notification within the report to indicate the content is private or confidential, and should not be forwarded to others.

Consider the following when designing HTML reports:

  • An HTML report displayed on the Charts & Reports page may display information about multiple projects. That same report displayed within a project contains only the data for that project. Data that is not project-related is displayed the same in both locations.
  • HTML reports can range in size. Ensure your company's email server accommodates the file size and volume required to send required reports to all the selected users
  • HTML reports display in a set, non-editable format. To create a report using formatting, create an MS Excel report and format it as necessary.

Prior to creating an HTML report, create and save the SQL Query on which the HTML report is based. See Adding Database Queries for more information on creating queries.

Note:  The queries that are available for selection are based on your access group permissions as defined in your user profile. Only queries that the user has "Can Edit" access for will be available for selection. Additionally, access group settings for the query must match the user permissions of other Process Designers in order to display for them. For an overview of how to use access groups to restrict configuration components, see Restricting Configuration via Access Groups Overview.

To create an HTML report:

  1. From the System menu, select Content Sources > Charts & Reports Manager.

To narrow the list, search by the report name or category.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new report - Click Add New and select HTML Report from the drop-down list.
  • To edit an existing report - Click the name of the report to edit and click Edit Pencil Icon to edit the report details.
  1. Complete the following information to identify and define the data included in the report:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the report.

System Name

Enter a unique, shorter name that identifies the report in queries, reporting views, field codes, and other places in Accolade.

The name must be unique among reports, and can contain only letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.


Enter a description of the purpose or nature of the report.

This description helps other users identify the report throughout the system.



Select a saved query.

The report displays data gathered from the database for the defined query.

When defining the query for the report, using LinkableName instead of the ProjectName column makes the project's name a hyperlink to the project from the generated email.


Select the Notifications option from the following:

  • Hide - The report is not available for selection on the My Profile page.
  • Show - Displays the report as an option to schedule, share, or receive immediately on the My Profile page for users with the roles selected in the Roles field.
  • Required - Makes the report required and lists it on the My Profile page for users with the roles selected in the Roles field. Select the days of the week that the report is sent to the selected users. Users can modify the day selections or choose to not receive required reports on their My Profile page.

Configuration Access Groups

Select the access groups to which the report belongs.

Process Designers with matching permissions will be able to edit and view the report. The access groups displayed are based on the current user's access group permissions and the access groups the report belongs to.

Process Model Usage

Click the Process Model Usage button to see a list of process models that the HTML report is associated with.

The list includes all process models the report is included in, as well as links to the process model's component tree pages you have Edit access to.

Active In

Select where the report is available within Accolade.

  • Charts & Reports - Displays the report on the Charts & Reports page. Clicking this check box will place the report in the Shared Charts & Reports section of the Charts & Reports page. If unchecked, the report will only be available to the assigned owners in their My Charts & Reports section.
  • Projects - Displays the report within a project. For a report to be available for association with a process model, it must be active in projects.

If the report is not ready for viewing, clear all the check boxes.


Select the check box to display reports that contain only one project as a vertical column rather than a row.

If you select to transpose a report that contains reports for multiple projects, the transposed result displays data for only the first project in the report.


Select the system user roles that have access to view the report.

Users with one or more matching user roles and either Refresh Workbook Data or All Reporting Rights will be able to view the report on the Charts & Reports page, as well as select to receive the report through an email if the report is available for notifications.

  1. Click Report Details Icon in the Report Details to ensure the report pulls the correct data and is working as you intended. Click Edit Pencil Icon to return to the Report Details after previewing the report.
  2. Click Create to create the new report or Apply to save changes to an existing report.


  • To display an HTML report within a project, the report must added at the process model level, either by adding it to the Reports List pod, or by adding it to a pod within a layout that is assigned to the process model.
  • To delete an HTML report, display the report from the Charts & Reports page, click Edit Pencil Icon to display the report settings, and click Delete at the bottom of the page. Only the report owner, users assigned as owners with All Reporting Rights, and Process Designers with All Reporting Rights can delete the report. Deleting a report does not delete the query on which the report is based. To remove a report from view but keep its definition for use later, clear the selections in the Active in field.
  • Categories created for queries, HTML reports, or MS Excel reports are saved in common and apply to all three. To remove a category from the list, ensure that no queries, HTML reports, or MS Excel reports are assigned to the category.