Adding Templates to the Template Library

The Template Library is the repository for templates available for use throughout Accolade. Images added to the Template Library are available to image pods in page layouts. Administrators and Process Designers can also use the Template Library as a repository for templates that are useful across your organization, but that may not have a use as a deliverable, activity, gate document, form, or report within Accolade.

Note:  Users with the user roles listed to the right must also have the Template Access user role.

To add a template to the Template Library:

  1. From the System menu, select Page Design > Template Library.

To narrow the list, search by the template name, system name, or category.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new template to the library - Click Add New in the top right corner of the page.
  • To edit an existing template - Click the name of the template to display its details page for editing.
  1. Complete the following information to identify the template file:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a unique name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the template.

Template names and file names within the library must be unique. The name entered here can be the same as the file name, but each name and file name must be unique across all templates.

System Name

Enter a name that will uniquely identify this template.

This name must be unique from other template system names, and can only contain letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.


Select the type of template you are creating:

  • Online Form - The basis for online forms for deliverables, idea forms, and activity documents. These templates are XML files that display text and software controls in the client browsers, allowing users to work with documents without uploading or downloading files.
  • Process Document - The basis for creating file-based deliverables, activities, or gate documents. These templates can be any Microsoft Windows compliant file, including Smart Excel templates. All gate document templates must use this file type.
  • Spreadsheet Report - The basis for reports viewable in the Charts & Reports page or on the Reports page within a project. These templates are spreadsheet files, including those created using the Accolade Office Extensions add-in.
  • Presentation - The basis for creating a portfolio presentations. These templates are Microsoft PowerPoint files.
  • Project Plan - The basis for creating Microsoft Project plans for projects using Accolade integration with Microsoft Project. Each model can have one or more documents with an Microsoft Project template in which gates, stages, deliverables, and activities are represented as tasks. These templates must have a .mpp.file extension. See Creating Microsoft Project Plans as Templates for more information.

Note:  Accolade's integration with Microsoft Project is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support. If you do not have access, this template type will not be an available option.

  • Image - The basis for saving images for use in places such as page layouts. To display as an image, an image file must be one of the following file types: .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, jfif, or .png. Project images that are added as related documents do not need to be stored in the Template Library.
  • PDF, Email, Other - Use this type for template files stored in the library for templates that may be useful throughout your organization, but are not associated to a deliverable, activity, or gate document.



Enter a description of the purpose or nature of the template. This description helps other users identify the template throughout the system.

Configuration Access Groups

Select the access groups to which the template belongs. Process Designers with matching permissions will be able to edit and view templates. The access groups displayed are based on the current user's access group permissions and the access groups the template belongs to.

Process Model Usage

Click the Process Model Usage button to see the list of process models that the template is associated with. The list includes all process models the templates is included in, as well as links to the process model's component tree pages you have Edit access to.

  1. If you are adding a new template or replacing an existing template, click Blue Search Icon in the File field, and select the template file to upload.

If you are editing an existing template, click the file icon next to the template name to download the current template version for review and edits.

  1. Click Create to add the new template or Apply to save changes to an existing template.


  • To delete a template from the Template Library, display the template in the Template Library and click Delete. You cannot delete a template if it is used as the idea deliverable in a model. Replace the template in the model or delete the model prior to deleting the template from the library. You cannot delete an MS Excel report template that is in use. Replace the template in all Excel reports that use it or delete the Excel reports themselves (Process > Configuration > Charts & Reports).
  • To change the file name of a template, you must change the name of the file and then upload the file as a new template.
  • Accolade's integration with Microsoft Project is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.