Reviewing Upcoming Gates and Gate Details

If you are assigned to one or more gates, review details about upcoming gate meetings to ensure projects are ready for their gates, and that you are prepared for gate meetings. To help manage and prepare for gate meetings, Accolade offers several locations to view gate materials. How you access gate information can depend on your assigned user role and your gate assignments.

  • Upcoming Gates - Users assigned the Executive, Process Manager, or Gate Manager user roles can access a list of gates that they own using the Upcoming Gates page available from the Workspace menu. This page uses the Work pod to display gate information. Work pods located in other areas of Accolade can also be configured to display gates. For more information, see Viewing Your Work.
  • Gates page on projects - Depending on your system's configuration, the project gates page may be a custom page layout where users can view gate details, enter gate meeting decisions, upload and edit documents relating to the meeting, and view gate-specific history. This information is displayed in pods and can be accessed by clicking the gate icon in the process graphic or page layout titled Gates.

Within each of these pages, you can find the following information and link to the project details, such as gate meeting notes, gate documents, and gatekeeper information directly from the page:

  • Projects that have a scheduled gate meeting and the meeting's date.
  • Projects that are ready for their next gate meeting, but the meeting has not been scheduled.

Click Gear icon on the Upcoming Gates page to filter and sort the gates that display and to change the order in which they display.

  • Projects that may be in danger of not meeting their scheduled dates. Use the icon legend on the page to identify the project's current state of readiness for the next gate. On the Upcoming Gates page, hover your mouse over the icon for more information.


  • All users with access to a project can view gate details, such as gate meeting location and time, gate documents, and gatekeeper information directly from the project pages. Click the gate icon in the process graphic within a project to display the gate's detail information.
  • Click the name of the next gate on the Upcoming Gates page to open the Gates page of the project to display more information about the next gate.