Setting Gate Meetings

Set gate meetings to keep gatekeepers and project team members informed about upcoming gate activities. After a gate meeting is set, Accolade sends warning when deliverables are overdue.

Gate owners set meetings for the gates they own. Process Managers and Idea Managers with Manage Process rights to the project can also set gate meetings, even if a gate owner is assigned.

To enter or modify only the gate date and not set meeting details, access a project and click a date or [None] below the gate icon in the project's process model graphic.

To set a gate meeting from the standard Gates page:

  1. Display the project whose gate meeting you want to set.

Reverse the sort order for the Meeting Date field by clicking Gear Icon on the Work pod in the Upcoming Gates page (or where the Work pod is displayed) and adjusting the Sort field to find projects whose next gate meeting is not yet scheduled.

  1. In the process graphic, click the icon for the appropriate gate.
  2. Complete the following information for the meeting:
Field Description

Meeting Date

Select a date from the displayed calendar, or manually enter a date in the field. A gate date can also be set using a calculated metric defined in the process model. Gate dates that have been manually overwritten display with Warning Icon next to the date in the process graphic to indicate the date was manually updated.

Gate Date Override Example

To recalculate a gate date after a manual override, click Recalculate next to date in the Meeting Date field on the Gates page.

Meeting Place

Enter the name or description of the location of the gate meeting. For example, the conference room in which it is scheduled to take place.


Enter any additional information about the meeting to inform gatekeepers and others of any useful reminders or changes.

  1. (Optional) To add or replace a gatekeeper for a single gate meeting, in the Gatekeepers section, click the name of the gatekeeper to replace, or click [None] if a gatekeeper is not specified.
  2. Click Done to exit the dialog and return to the gate details.

  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

To set a gate meeting from a project-specific page:

Note:  The procedure outlined below assumes use of the default system gates layout titled Project Gates. This page may vary across Accolade implementation and may be customized to your company's specific needs.

  1. Display the project whose gate meeting you want to set.
  2. Identify the project page that contains the gate meeting information.

This may be included on the active gate page. Click the gate icon in the process graphic to access the active gate or navigate to the Project Gates page.

  1. Navigate to the Gate Information pod to and complete the following:
Field Description

Gate Meeting Date

Select a date from the displayed calendar, or manually enter a date in the field. A gate date can also be set using a calculated metric defined in the process model. Gate dates that have been manually overwritten display with Warning Icon next to the date in the process graphic to indicate the date was manually updated.

Gate Date Override Example

To recalculate a gate date after a manual override, click Recalculate from metric value.

Meeting Place

Enter the name or description of the location of the gate meeting. For example, the conference room in which it is scheduled to take place.


Enter any additional information about the meeting to inform gatekeepers and others of any useful reminders or changes.

  1. (Optional) In the Notes pod, enter any additional information about the meeting to inform gatekeepers and others of any useful reminders or changes.
  2. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • Process Designers add functions to gates in the process model. If no functions are specified in the process model for gates, you cannot assign gatekeepers to a gate meeting. If there are no functions listed in the Gatekeeper section, the model does not contain functions for the gate.
  • Project Managers can assign gatekeepers to a function so they are assigned by default for each gate meeting.
  • Gate dates can be set automatically when workflows assigned to deliverables are completed. The workflow must have an automated step to set the gate date upon workflow completion.
  • A setting in the process model determines if the content on the Gate page can be edited.