Entering Metric Values in Projects

Metrics contain data that is used to identify and evaluate a document, project, or product. There are several ways that Accolade users can modify metric values in their projects. These methods allow different users to manage metrics and provide various types of access to a project's metric values.

Important! Metrics are also available on project pages and similar metrics might be available in both the project pages and within deliverable and activities. If your configuration allows metrics to be maintained in both locations, work with the Project Manager for the project to determine the procedure for updating metrics to ensure that you do not overwrite important data. Sopheon strongly recommends that each metric be maintained by only one person.

Process Managers, Idea Managers, and assigned Project Managers can update metrics available in the project using the following methods:

  • Directly on project pages - Depending on a project's model, the Process Manager with Manage Process rights and the Project Manager can enter metric values on the Home, Metrics, Details, or Portfolio pages in the project. Values are updated when the changes are applied. Any Accolade user with project access who opens the page sees the current value for each metric. Metric information is available by this method to users who can view the project and users who can view reports containing the metrics.
  • When creating, copying, or migrating projects - Depending on a project's model, Process Managers with Add Project or Migrate Project rights may be able to enter values when adding projects or copying and migrating projects. These metric values are available to users who can see reports containing the metrics.
  • Updating values in custom project pages - A project may contain one or more additional pages that a Process Designer has added to the model on which the project is based. Process Managers, Idea Managers, and the project's assigned Project Manager can update the metric values contained in grids that display on these pages.

Document owners can update metrics using the following methods:

  • Publishing a document version - Depending on a template's configuration, values are updated when you publish a version based on the template. Enter new metric values in the appropriate cells in the file. The "metric update" cells should be clearly labeled. If it is not clear which cells to enter metric values in, contact the Project Manager or Accolade Process Designer.

Document owners can see the current value of metrics when the document is downloaded (either the original template or the latest version) and can select the option to refresh with the current values.

  • Updating online form deliverables - Metric values are updated when you save or publish the working copy of the deliverable (without creating a version) or by publishing a new version. The document owner can see the current values in the work in progress as well as those in previous versions. Other members of the team can see the values saved in the various versions.

Whether the metrics are updated when the working copy is saved or when the version is published is specified in the Update Online Form Metric Data on Save system parameter. However, if you get a message box when you open the online form, you must save and publish a version to update metric values.

When you save the working copy, the information is not available to other users. It is stored internally to the form and is available when you next open the working copy. When you save a version, however, an additional copy is created containing the information the form contained when the version was created.

  • Updating values in deliverable and activity details - If a quick grid has been associated with a deliverable or activity, it displays in the deliverable's details or activity details in the project. These grids contain metrics and allow the document owner to manage the metrics that are associated with their documents while allowing others to quickly evaluate a document in terms of the metrics that are specifically associated with it.

If a metric in a quick grid is inactive, the text "Metric Not Found" displays in the grid.

A quick grid is editable in the deliverable or activity details if the deliverable is editable.


  • Deleting or unpublishing a document version does not affect the metric values.
  • To add text formatting to a long string metric, such as bold and italics, see Rich Text Formatting.
  • A project might contain project "filter metrics" that are not intended to convey information about the project in charts and reports, but to help identify the project in searches. Filter metrics identify your project as, for example, being of a certain type, or developing a certain product. Enter the appropriate data in the project filter metrics so Accolade users can locate the project through Search and in other places that contain project filters.
  • Metrics may be set to calculate a value based on other metrics' values. These metrics display as a read-only value when displayed in a project.