Viewing Resource Capacity & Managing Resource Attributes

The Resource Capacity page can be accessed by clicking on a resource's name from either the Resource Pools page or the Plan Projects (Beta) page. You can view a resource's details and manage attributes on the left of the screen, and view the resource's demands and capacity on the Gantt on the right of the screen.

This page provides a view of all work that is currently planned for the resource, allowing users to gauge if or when the resource is available for additional work, or if work schedules need to be adjusted. You can hover over each month on the Gantt to view the resource's remaining availability as well.

Note:  This page only shows Assigned Demands.

To maintain and add resource attributes:

  1. Ensure that you have set up resource attributes (e.g., Skill Sets, Location, Roles, etc.) and corresponding values in the resource attributes reference table, i.e., ACC_ResourceAttributes. Pool Extended Fields live in the resource attributes reference table as well, and can be maintained from there. For more on reference tables, see Adding Reference Tables and related topics.

  2. Navigate to Resource > Pools or Resource > Plan Projects - Beta, and select a resource's name.

  3. On the left panel, resource attributes are displayed. Enter appropriate attribute values for the resource.

  4. Click on Save & Exit.

My Future Work Page

The My Future Work page is a page visible to every resource. This page contains a Gantt chart of their own current and upcoming work. You can hover over each month on the Gantt to view your remaining availability as well.

Note:  This page only shows Assigned Demands.