Displaying Portfolio Hierarchy Navigator
To view information across different levels within Accolade, you can use the portfolio hierarchy navigator. With this setting enabled, you can go up or down in the portfolio hierarchy and view projects that are related to each other (such as child, parent, grandparent, etc.) at a glance.
To display the portfolio hierarchy navigator:
Note: This option is only possible if the following conditions are met: You have created a reference table for portfolio hierarchy levels, the project process model is in the reference table, and the project already has at least one existing relationship. If the project has no parents or children, the portfolio hierarchy navigator does not display.
- In any Accolade project that meets the above criteria, click
next to
in the upper right corner of the page.
- Click Show Hierarchy to display the portfolio hierarchy navigator. This option is set to show hierarchy by default. You can hide the portfolio hierarchy navigator by following the above steps and selecting Hide Hierarchy.
To view the hierarchy board:
Note: This option is only available to users with the Planner role.
- In any Accolade project that meets the above criteria, click
next to
in the upper right corner of the page.
- Click View Hierarchy Board to display parent-child relationships on the hierarchy board.