Creating Resource Pools for Time Tracking

Resource Pools are groups of similar resource types, or groups of resources that report to a single person for time tracking purposes. Administrators and Resource Pool Administrators can create and modify resource pools. How you group your resources into pools and how you manage your resource pools depends on the processes defined in your organization. For time tracking purposes, define resource pools and add resources to those pools based on who approves the timesheet for the users that belong to the pool.

If you use Time Tracking and Resource Planning, you can use the same pools for timesheet approval as you use for resource planning purposes. See Creating Resource Pools.

To create a resource pool for time tracking:

  1. From the Resource menu, select Pools.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • To create a new pool - Click Add Pool in the upper right corner of the page.
  • To modify an existing pool - Click the name of the pool to open it for edition.
  1. Complete the following information about the pool:
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the pool.


Select this check box if the pool is ready to use for time tracking.

Security Lists

If security lists are in use, select items in every list to specify which Pool Administrators can add resources to this pool if it is does not have an owner.

Unit of Measure

Enter the units in which this resource is counted for Resource Planning.

The unit of measure you select here does not need to match the unit of measure that users enter their time in timesheet entry. Timesheet entry is based on your company's internal, decided upon convention.

Timesheet Approver

Click to select the user that approves all timesheets for resources within the pool.

If a pool does not have an assigned Timesheet Approver, timesheets for users within that pool are not sent through the timesheet approval process. If a resource pool does not have a user selected here, timesheets for users within that pool do not require Timesheet Approver approval.

Only users assigned the Timesheet Approver user role are available for selection.

Extended Fields

If one or more extended fields have been configured for resource pools, select the appropriate values for this pool. Fields are used to identify pool contents on the Resource Pools page.

Extended fields must be set to apply to resource pools. If extended fields are set only for timesheets, the fields do not display here.

  1. Click Create to create the pool or Apply to save changes to an existing pool.

To add resources to the pool, see Adding Resources to Resource Pools.


  • If security lists are enabled, Administrators can create or modify a pool with any security setting, but a Resource Pool Administrator can only create or modify pools that the Pool Administrator can access.
  • Resource Pool Administrators can only assign security to a pool to which they have security access. Administrators can assign any item in a security list to a new pool.
  • Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support .

  • Time Tracking is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.