Enabling Time Tracking for Projects

Your company may have projects that you include in Accolade that do not have time tracked against them. You can restrict timesheet entry at the class level, or at the project level.

  • Class Level - Process Designers and Administrators can define which classes allow timesheet entry for the projects created for models within that class. Only projects within a class that allows timesheet entry are available for selection within timesheets. Classes are included in Time Tracking by default. See Setting Up Time Tracking for more information.
  • Project Level - At the individual project level, Process Managers and the assigned Project Manager can select whether the project is available for all timesheet users, only those on the team, or not available at all for timesheet entry. The entry selected is saved with the project team if you choose to save the team for use in other projects. Projects are set to be available to all timesheet users by default.

The project team includes users assigned to the project on the project's Team page and those assigned as action owners in workflows within the project. Workflow action owners can access the project in Timesheet Entry if the project is available to timesheet entry and if they have approved or rejected a workflow action, or if the workflow is currently in process but they have not yet entered an action decision. This project access also applies to delegated action owners.

To set a project's timesheet availability:

  1. Display the project and select the Team Team Page Icon page.
  2. Expand the Manage Team panel and click Settings.
  3. In the Timesheet Availability field, select one of the following options:
  • Enable for all Timesheet Users - The project is available for selection to all users who have the Timesheet User role.
  • Enable for Team only - The project is available for selection to only users who have the Timesheet User role who are members of the project team.
  • Disable for all users - The project is unavailable for selection within timesheet entry.
  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • Time Tracking is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.