Managing My Work Calendar
My Work Calendar allows for easy navigation and management of assignments by visually displaying deadlines for deliverables and activities, gate meetings, and workflow decisions in a central location. Use the My Work Calendar page to review upcoming deadlines and meetings for assigned activities. To schedule and manage gate meetings, your organization must also have the Gate Meetings configuration solution.
To view My Work Calendar:
- From the Workspace menu, select My Work Calendar.
- Review activities and meetings you are assigned to. Assignments that are past due will carry on to the next day until the assignment is marked as Complete.
- Click an assignment to open the project page and associated assignment dialog.
- Date format displays based on the format set in the user profile. To change the calendar view, do any of the following:
- Deliverables you are assigned to.
- Deliverables you are assigned to and are passed the deadline.
- Activities you are assigned to.
- Activities you are assigned to and are passed the deadline.
- Workflows you are assigned to.
- Workflows you are assigned to and are passed the due date.
- Gate meetings you are a participant in.
- Gate meetings you have created.
- Use
to display different calendar time periods.
- Select month to display the monthly calendar.
The default calendar view is by month and the default date is highlighted.
- Select week list to display days and times of the week.
- Select day list to display the time intervals for the day.
- Select a specific week in the left column to view that week, or specific date to view the day.
- If Gate Meetings are configured on your system, create a gate meeting to review gate readiness.
To move a gate meeting without opening the dialog, drag and drop the gate meeting to another date. Click Apply to save your changes.