Importing and Exporting Languages

Accolade provides Administrators and Process Designers the ability to export languages from one Accolade environment and import them into another Accolade environment.

For example, your company may have a test environment set up during your implementation, or you may have company branches that are new to Accolade that are hosted in a separate environment. Instead of having to recreate languages in each environment, you can download the languages and import them into the new environment..

Important! Terminology and language changes will require you to restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers in order to display the changes. Be mindful when making these updates, as users will temporarily be unable to access Accolade during the reset process.

To export languages:

  1. On the System menu, select Configuration > Languages.
  2. In the Language field drop-down list, select the language you want to export.
  3. Click Download in the top right corner of the page.

To import languages:

  1. On the System menu, select Configuration > Languages.
  2. Click Upload in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click Load File and select the spreadsheet file to load.



  • If your company uses a load balanced configuration, you will need to restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers if you make any terminology or language changes.

  • The content of the online help references the English translation of the default value for all the items listed above, and is not customizable or translatable at this time. The changes made to the entity names page (System > Configuration > Entity Names), the system language page (System > Configuration > Languages) or the class terminology page (System > Configuration > Class Terminology) will not currently change the references in the help content.

  • Translatable options do not include text in Portfolio Optimizer or in the Portfolio Optimizer help.