Replacing Accolade Terminology

Accolade contains several terms that you can update to better fit your industry and the terminology used within your company. For example, Accolade uses the default terms Stage and Gate to reflect the elements of the classic Phase Gate process model. However, your company may prefer the terms Phases and Milestones to indicate those components of the process. 

Accolade provides the flexibility to use custom terms for the following items within the application:

  • Assignment statuses, such as In Process or Not Started.
  • Gate decisions, such as Go and Hold.
  • Process entities, such as Stage, Gate, and Deliverable.
  • Review decisions, such as Approve, Reject, and Decline.
  • Review events, such as In Review, Approved, or Not Started.
  • Accolade user role names, such as Project Manager or Process Designer.
  • Workflow events, such as Started, Stopped, or Updated (if your company uses the Collaborative Workflow feature).
  • The Accolade application name and Accolade menu items within the Accolade Office Extensions add-in applications.

To configure or translate system-wide items such as entire notification messages, see Translating Accolade Text into Another Language.

Important! Terminology and language changes will require you to restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers in order to display the changes. Be mindful when making these updates, as users will temporarily be unable to access Accolade during the reset process.

To replace an Accolade term within the application:

  1. On the System menu, select Configuration > Entity Names.
  2. Expand the section that contains the names to change.
  3. In the Custom Name column, enter the names for each item that you prefer to use.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Clicking Apply on this page saves your changes to all the parameter settings, not just custom names. Review your changes as necessary prior to clicking Apply.

  1. Make the same updates within the system language page (System > Configuration > Languages) and/or the class terminology page (System > Configuration > Class Terminology).

To ensure the names used in notifications, reports, some configuration pages, and some other locations are consistent with your translation or modifications, you must also enter the new names in the system language and/or class terminology pages. See Translating Accolade Text into Another Language for more information on system-wide language changes, or Configuring Class Terminology for more information on changing specific class terminology.

  1. Restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers.


To change the Accolade menu name in the Accolade Office Extensions add-in:

  1. On the System menu, select Configuration > Entity Names.
  2. Expand the Process Entity Names section and update the name in the Accolade field.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.
  4. On the System menu, select Configuration > Languages and make the same updates within the language file.

To ensure the names used in notifications, reports, some configuration pages, and some other locations are consistent with your translation or modifications, you must also enter the new name in the system language page. See Translating Accolade Text into Another Language for more information.

  1. Restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers.


To change the Save to Accolade menu option in the Accolade Office Extensions add-in:

  1. On the System menu, select Configuration > Languages.
  2. Select a language and filter by Accolade.
  3. Find Save To Accolade in the list and enter the phrase to use instead in the Current Value column.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.
  5. Restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers.

To see the changes to the Save To Accolade menu, download a document from Accolade and open it in its respective application.


  • If your company uses a load balanced configuration, you will need to restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers if you make any terminology or language changes.

  • The content of the online help references the English translation of the default value for all the items listed above, and is not customizable or translatable at this time. The changes made to the entity names page (System > Configuration > Entity Names), the system language page (System > Configuration > Languages) or the class terminology page (System > Configuration > Class Terminology) will not currently change the references in the help content.

  • Translatable options do not include text in Portfolio Optimizer or in the Portfolio Optimizer help.