Importing and Exporting Quick Grids
Accolade provides Administrators and Process Designers the ability to export quick grid information from one Accolade environment and import it into another Accolade environment. For example, your company may have a test environment set up during your implementation, or you may have company branches that are new to Accolade that are hosted in a separate environment. Instead of having to recreate quick grids in each environment, download the information and import into the new environment.
The download exports the quick grid configuration into a spreadsheet file with the information grouped into the following tabs within the file:
- Quick Grid
- Grid Properties
- Columns
- Rows
- Cell Properties
- Text Conditions
- Border Conditions
- Background Conditions
- Access Groups
To export quick grids:
- From the System menu, select Page Design > Quick Grids.
- In the Category field, select the category containing the quick grids you want to download.
To narrow the list by quick grid name or system name, add the criteria to filter by in the appropriate filter text box. These filters are case insensitive.
To narrow the list by category, select a category to display in the Category list. To download all quick grids, select All.
- Click Download in the top right corner of the page.
Accolade downloads the quick grids into a zip file which contains a workbook file with all of the quick grid system details, as well as an individual file folder containing any related JavaScript files, and saves it to a temporary internet files directory. Save it to a more accessible location.
Note: Only components to which you have view and/or edit configuration access group rights will download. Components you can only view may be included in the file, but you can only upload changes to areas to which you have explicit edit permission.
To import quick grids into Accolade:
- Ensure the data within the spreadsheet meets the requirements for a successful import.
- Remove any quick grids that you do not want to include in the upload from the spreadsheet and save the file.
- From the System menu, select Page Design > Quick Grids.
- Click Upload in the top right corner of the page.
- Click Load File and select the spreadsheet file to load.
- Click Upload File.
Accolade uploads the changes to the quick grids in the spreadsheet, and adds any new quick grids with unique system names.
- (Optional) Click Print to print the import results for your records.
To upload JavaScript files, save the JavaScript file in a folder. Match the folder name with the quick grid system name, as defined in the spreadsheet file for uploading the quick grids. Save the folder and the completed upload file to a zipped folder. Upload the zipped folder to import the quick grids and JavaScript files.
Note: Components that are imported are subject to group configuration rules. The user may assign components in a way that the configuration access groups are not consistent. This behavior is not allowed in the UI, and mismatches in either the user's access rights or the component's access group restrictions may result in warning or error messages during the upload, and may result in an incomplete upload.
Quick Grid Settings Included in the Spreadsheet File
The columns in the downloaded spreadsheet include the settings for each quick grid in the order listed below. For a description of quick grid settings, see
Important! Using the import and export tools to update configuration can result in unintended changes if information is missing or creates an error during the import process. Sopheon recommends reviewing
Quick Grid
The Quick Grid worksheet contains the settings for the quick grids being uploaded or downloaded.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new quick grid is created.
Quick Grid Name
If blank, the quick grid does not upload.
Can be blank.
Quick Grid Category
Alphanumeric characters
If a new, unique category name exists in the file when uploaded, a new category is created.
If blank, the quick grid is placed in the Default category.
Protected Grid
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Create PDF
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Publish PDF
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Grid Properties
The Grid Properties worksheet contains the settings for the individual grids being uploaded or downloaded.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new grid is created.
Quick Grid Grid Name
If blank, the grid does not upload.
Grid Type
StandardIf blank, the grid does not upload.
Matrix System Name
Valid matrix system name
If Grid Type is selected as Matrix, enter a valid matrix system name.
Otherwise, leave blank.
Number of Columns
Any number
The number of columns in the grid.
If blank, the grid does not upload.
Number of Rows
Any number
The number of rows in the grid.
If blank, the grid does not upload.
Any number
The order of the individual grids within the quick grid.
If blank, the grid does not upload.
Can be blank.
Show Grid Title
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Hide Grid
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Default To
ExpandedIf blank, defaults to Expanded.
Background Color
Valid hex color code
If blank, defaults to color code #ffffff.
Border Style
OutsetIf blank, defaults to None.
Border Width
Valid pixel values
If blank, defaults to 1.
Border Color
Valid hex color code
If blank, defaults to color code #ededed.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new grid is created.
Any number
The column number must be less than or equal to the number of columns defined in the quick grid.
If blank, the grid does not upload.
Minimum Width
Any number
Can be blank.
Fixed Width
Any number
Can be blank.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new grid is created.
Any number
The row number must be less than or equal to the number of rows defined in the quick grid.
If blank, the grid does not upload.
Minimum Height
Any number
Can be blank.
Fixed Height
Any number
Can be blank.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Cell Properties
The Cell Properties worksheet contains the settings for the individual cells being uploaded or downloaded.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Cell System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a cell exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new cell is created.
Quick Grid Column
Any number
The cell's column location within the grid.
If blank, the cell does not upload.
Quick Grid Row
Any number
The cell's row location within the grid.
If blank, the cell does not upload.
Column Span
Any number
If a merged cell, the number of columns that the cell spans.
If blank, defaults to 1.
Row Span
Any number
If a merged cell, the number of rows that the cell spans.
If blank, defaults to 1.
Control Type
UserSelectorIf Aggregate, Button, FormattedText, or TemplateImage are selected, the Source Type should be defined as LocalElement.
If blank, the cell does not upload.
For more information on control types, see Software Control Types.
Source Type
NothingIf Aggregate, Button, FormattedText, or TemplateImage are selected as the Control Type, this must be defined as LocalElement.
If blank, the cell does not upload.
Valid metadata system name
If Source Type is selected as Metadata, enter the metadata system name.
Otherwise, leave blank.
Default Value
Can be blank.
Can be blank.
List Source
Separate each list option by a pipe ( | ) character.
Empty Item Text
Can be blank.
Control Width
Valid pixel values
If blank, defaults to None.
NoSortingIf blank, defaults to No Sorting.
Enable Markdown
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Link To
Project Page
URLIf blank, defaults to None.
Link To Destination
Valid link address
Can be blank.
Link To Index
Any number, up to 10 digits
Can be blank.
Open in New Tab
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Metric Data Type
Valid metric data type
If Source Type is selected as Metric, enter the metric's data type.
Otherwise leave blank.
Metric System Name
Valid metric system name
If Source Type is selected as Metric, enter the metric's system name.
Otherwise leave blank.
Any number
If blank, defaults to 0.
Max Length
Any number
If blank, defaults to 0.
Can be blank.
Can be blank.
Allow Negative
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Read Only
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
User Roles
Valid Accolade user role
Separate each role by a pipe ( | ) character.
Can be blank.
Any number
If blank, defaults to 0.
Any number
If blank, defaults to 0.
Project Image Content
Valid image file in Accolade
Can be blank.
Template Image Content
Valid image file in Accolade
Can be blank.
Show Remaining Character Count
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Inline Editing
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Valid font name
If blank, defaults to Noto Sans.
Font Size
Valid pixel values
If blank, defaults to pixel size 13.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Text Color
Valid hex color code
If blank, defaults to color code #404040.
BottomSeparate each alignment selection with a pipe ( | ) character.
If blank, defaults to Left | Top alignment.
Background Color
Valid hex color code
If blank, defaults to #ffffff.
Border Style
OutsetIf blank, defaults to None.
Border Width
Valid pixel values
If blank, defaults to no border/none.
Border Color
Valid hex color code
If blank, defaults to no border/none.
Tooltip Alignment
BottomIf blank, defaults to Middle alignment.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Text Conditions
The Text Conditions worksheet contains the conditional text settings for the individual cells being uploaded or downloaded. If the quick grid does not have conditional text settings, this worksheet can be left blank.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Cell System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a cell exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Valid hex color code
If blank, the condition does not upload.
Compare Type
NotEqualIf blank, the condition does not upload.
If blank, the condition does not upload.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Border Conditions
The Border Conditions worksheet contains the settings for the individual cells being uploaded or downloaded. If the quick grid does not have conditional border settings, this worksheet can be left blank.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Cell System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a cell exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Valid hex color code
If blank, the condition does not upload.
Compare Type
NotEqualIf blank, the condition does not upload.
If blank, the condition does not upload.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Background Conditions
The Background Conditions worksheet contains the settings for the individual cells being uploaded or downloaded. If the quick grid does not have conditional background settings, this worksheet can be left blank.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Quick Grid Cell System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a cell exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Valid hex color code
If blank, the condition does not upload.
Compare Type
NotEqualIf blank, the condition does not upload.
If blank, the condition does not upload.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Access Groups
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes Quick Grid System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a quick grid exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Access Group
Valid access group system name
Include a separate row for each access group.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Importing Matrix Grids
Matrix grids will be included in the import or export data; however, the matrix and its metrics are not imported or exported with the quick grid. You will need to import the matrix and its metrics on the import server before importing the quick grid. The matrix and metrics should have the same system names as they had on the export server.
If a matrix grid is imported onto a server that does not have the matrix or metrics loaded, the metrics are removed from the grid cells. You will need to re-associate them with the grid columns after the matrix and metrics are created on the import server.
- Importing and Exporting Access Groups
- Importing and Exporting Accolade Charts
- Importing and Exporting Accolade Online Reports
- Importing and Exporting Classes
- Importing and Exporting Configuration Components Best Practices
- Importing and Exporting Configuration Components Overview
- Importing and Exporting Extended Fields
- Importing and Exporting Functional Areas and Functions
- Importing and Exporting Global Links
- Importing and Exporting HTML Reports
- Importing and Exporting Layouts
- Importing and Exporting Matrices
- Importing and Exporting Migration Maps
- Importing and Exporting MS Excel Reports
- Importing and Exporting Parameters
- Importing and Exporting Process Models
- Importing and Exporting Project Link Types
- Importing and Exporting Queries
- Importing and Exporting Quick Grids
- Importing and Exporting Quick Grids
- Importing and Exporting Reference Tables
- Importing and Exporting Security Profiles
- Importing and Exporting Templates
- Importing and Exporting Workflows