Manage Project Portfolios Overview

Use portfolios to group projects into collections. A portfolio can include all projects related to a particular initiative, or it can include all projects for which a Process Manager is responsible. Portfolios allow Process Managers and Portfolio Managers to manage and evaluate similar projects in relation to one another. How your company chooses to define portfolios can vary.

Process Managers, Project Managers, and Idea Managers evaluate the projects in the portfolio through their common metrics, which can be rolled up to the container project. The container project, also called the parent project, is the project that holds the rest of the portfolio. The group of projects whose metrics are rolled up are displayed with the container project's Portfolio Portfolio Page Icon page. Projects in the portfolio are linked to the container project with a special project relationship. The name of the link that links the container to a project in the portfolio is "Contains," as seen in the container project, or "Member Of," as seen in a project in the portfolio.

The topics in this section discuss how to add projects to a portfolio and how to view information using the Portfolio Browser feature within a project. Accolade's portfolio offering also includes Portfolio Optimizer, which provides additional features to compare and manage projects, and to create scenarios to optimize and evaluate resource usage. For information about using Portfolio Optimizer, see the online Help available with the Portfolio Optimizer application.

See the following to get started: