Assigning Team Members to Projects

Assigning team members to the functions within a project helps to automate the document ownership within that project and allows team members to view who is responsible for each functional area within projects.

Note:  The Project Manager can manage team option must be selected for the assigned project manager to assign, remove, and replace project team members. If a project manager does not have Manage Team rights, or if a project manager is not assigned, a Process Manager (or Idea Manager for Idea Projects) with Manage Team rights can assign, remove, and replace project team members. See Assigning Project Managers to Projects for details.

As you assign team members to project functions, the team member is automatically assigned in current and future stages as the document owner of every project document that is assigned to that function that currently does not have an assigned owner. If deliverables and activities are hidden due to conditions, the user will not be able to see the documents. However, they will be automatically assigned to the documents so that if the deliverable or activity becomes visible again, it will display on the page for the function.

If you are an Administrator or Process Designer, you are able to affect the visibility of unassigned functions on the Team Tab. By default, functions that are not assigned to either a team member or a stage are shown on the Team Tab. However, you can change this setting in the General Parameters section.

The functions available for assignment are based on the functions assigned to documents within the project. Additionally, the project team configuration in the model may restrict the user selection to users with a matching function assignment.

The options and display order on the Team page may differ between projects, based on the process model configuration. The procedure below follows the default configuration.

To assign a team member to a project:

  1. Display a project and select the Team Team Page Icon page to display the current team members assigned to the project.

If necessary, select Detail View.

You can configure each section in the Team page to filter what displays, for example by stage or by function, and select which columns to view within each section. Save your selections to display each time you display the page.

  1. In the Project Team section, add members of the project team to functions for automatic assignment to deliverables and activities, or as members without a function that can be assigned manually.

Member Type


To assign a team member to a function

In the Project Team section, click [None] under the name and select the user to be assigned to the function.

You can update and assign users to functions as appropriate for deliverable and activity ownership, however, the deliverable and activity configuration in the model may restrict the owner assignment to users with a specific role.

Note:  The Order attribute of a function's configuration determines the order the functions display on the Team page.

To add one or more team members with no function designation

Click Add Users at the top right of the grid and select one or more Accolade users from the user list.

Highlight the user name(s) in the Available Users window and click Select, or double-click each user's name to move them from the Available list to the Selected list, and click Done to exit the dialog.

  1. (Optional) Complete the following for each project team member as necessary:
Field Description

Primary Star Icon (Primary)

Select the user that is the primary contact for their function, or job role, on the project.

In large projects where a function can have many members, it may be useful to identify one member of the project as the primary member of their function who can serve as the contact person for the function group, or who can perform actions on behalf of the function in the project.

Note:  Identifying the primary member of a function does not add additional rights for the user.

Status Reports Icon (Create Status Reports)

Select this check box to enable selected team members to create status reports for the project, in the form of brief status messages and metric value settings, if set in the model.

All team members that are assigned the Process Manager user role have the right to create status reports based on their user role. This right cannot be removed.

Edit Project Rights Icon (Extend Edit Rights)

Check box indicates if the user has extended project edit rights.

If enabled, selected team members are allowed to the following project information: Project Name, Project Code, Description, Status, Manage Project button items, Deliverables and Activities.

Important! This extension of rights is for the specified project, and is enabled regardless of the user's assigned project or system roles.

To extend edit rights to all team members click the check box at the top of the dialog box, or click the individual check box(es) to select individual members. Once you have made your selections, click Add Edit Rights at the bottom of the dialog.

  • Only users with the Project Team Member role can have extended edit rights.
  • This feature is an optional Accolade configuration solution that you may not have access to if your company has not purchased it. Contact Sopheon Customer Support for more information.
  • To remove edit rights, click the relevant check box(es) and click Remove Edit Rights at the bottom of the page.

    Note:  Changes to this field are applied and saved automatically when the Add/Remove button is clicked.

    Click Team Member Details Icon next to the team member's name to view their assignment, gatekeeper, and workflow action details.

    1. Click Apply to save your changes.
    2. Continue with project team setup by assigning gatekeepers, gate owners, or workflow action owners.


    • To completely remove users from a project team, click Grey Delete Icon in the row. The user is removed when you click Apply and save your changes. If the removed user was tied to a function, the function is set to [None].
    • Click History Icon in the Project Team heading to view and print a history of the changes made to the team members assigned to the project. Project team member changes are also available in Accolade online reports (Projects > Charts & Reports) or using the Accolade Office Extensions add-in.

    • If a user is deleted or deactivated in Accolade, they are removed from the project team; however, they remain listed as the owner of any the documents in the project. To reassign ownership of their document assignments, see Assigning Document Owners. For reporting and record keeping purposes, deleted or deactivated users remain as the recorded owner for documents that have a Completed status.

    • Adding members to the project team's functions assigns those users to documents in current and future stages that do not have owners throughout the project. However, changing assignments on individual documents does not update the team members assigned to each function for the team.
    • The extended fields display on the user selection dialog box can be set to display or hide by default by using the Display Extended Fields on User Selector Default system parameter.
    • If the Enforce Project Security for Add Team Member system parameter is set to 1, or the Enforce Project Security option is set for the project, only project team members who have access to the project through security definitions are available to add as members of the project team. You cannot add a project team member as an exception to their security rights.

    • The owner of a project's Microsoft Project plan also has rights to add or remove team members from a project. However, plan owners only have the right to add or remove team members by changing and saving the plan, not by making the change to the project team through the project's Team page in Accolade.