Replacing Users Across Multiple Projects

Replace users on multiple project and project assignments as employees leave, your company undergoes reorganization, or you need to otherwise edit team members in mass. You must be a Process Manager or Idea Manager with Manage Team rights to replace a team member on all projects. Replacing users across multiple projects includes reassignment in the following areas:

  • Deliverables
  • Activities
  • Workflow action owners
  • Gate keepers and gate owners
  • Project team members and leaders
  • Non-Accolade tasks.

To successfully reassign a user on projects and assignments, ensure that the user being assigned has similar roles, rights, and security as the user being replaced. User replacement respects project security. Users will not be reassigned to projects they do not have access to.

To replace a user across the system:

  1. From the Workspace menu, select Team Management > Find and Replace Team Members.
  2. In the Find User section in the left panel, click [None].
  3. In the Select a User dialog, select the user in the list to be found and replaced.
  4. Click Done to exit the dialog.

Project name, project ID, user assigned, and specific assignments generate for the selected user, but only projects you have visibility into display.

  1. Select the check box for projects on which to replace the user.
  2. Click Replace on Checked in the left panel and select the new user to assign.
  3. Click Done to exit the dialog.

The user selected to replace propagates to all checked projects and assignments.

Modify user replacement as necessary by selecting the appropriate check boxes and a user in the Replace on Checked field to replace with more than one user. Replace users on individual projects and assignments by changing the user under the project name.

To remove previously selected users from the field, click Clear in the Select a User dialog.

Important! Review your user updates carefully. You cannot return to the original project list or undo changes after clicking Apply to save your changes.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

Projects that failed to replace users display. Otherwise, the users were successfully replaced on all projects.


  • To remove a user selected to replace, click the Replace on Checked field and click Clear. This removes the user reassignment on all checked projects. To replace or remove a user on individual projects or assignments, click the user under the project name, select the user to reassign or clear user, and click Done. Click Apply to save your changes.
  • Deliverables and activities with applied conditions display regardless of condition visibility settings applied elsewhere in the system. The conditioned deliverables will still respect visibility on project. User replacement still applies to all deliverables and activities regardless of conditions. See Conditioning Deliverables and Activities Overview for more information on deliverable and/or activity visibility within a project.
  • Updating users on the Find and Replace Team Members page will not update owner assignments where status is Completed. The original owner is still listed as the owner of record for the document for reporting purposes.
  • If the Enforce Project Security for Add Team Member system parameter is set to 1, or the Enforce Project Security option is set for the project, only users who have access to the project through security definitions will be successfully reassigned.