Closing and Deleting Projects

Closing a project prevents any further changes in the project and is the first step to deleting it. A closed project remains in the Accolade database, and it and its documents are still available through Quick Search and Advanced Search. Data in a closed project cannot be changed unless you reopen the project. Close projects that are finished and no longer require updates.

Deleting a project removes the project, its related files, deliverables, planning elements in Accolade Innovation Planning, and other data from the Accolade database. You must close a project before you can delete it. Delete projects that were created in error, or that are no longer applicable.

Process Managers and Idea Managers with Manage Process rights can close projects. Process Managers and Idea Managers with Delete Project rights can delete projects.

To close a project:

Set the gate decision for the final gate in the project to Kill before you close the project, so the gate's decision is reflected in reports.

  1. Display the project.
  2. Click Details Page Icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Close Project.
  3. (Optional) In the confirmation dialog box, enter any comments about why the project is being closed.

Comments entered here are stored in the project's event history and are available for reporting purposes.

  1. Click OK.

To delete a project:

Important! Consider deleting projects carefully. There is no undo action after a project is deleted.

  1. Display the project.
  2. Click Details Page Icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Delete Project.


  • If the Protect Document Versions from Deletion option is selected in the process model, and versions of any documents exist on the project, you cannot delete the project.
  • When a project is deleted, any snapshot data stored is also deleted for that project.
  • To re-open a closed project, display the project, click Details Page Icon in the upper right corner, and select Re-Open Project. If a project's model is changed while the project is closed, the changes are not automatically copied into the project if it is reopened. If a variety of changes have been made in the model while the project has been closed, it may not be possible to realign the project with the modified model.