Displaying Milestone and Gate Dates in Gantt Planning Views

Milestones are project critical dates that Planners can select to display in Gantt views. These dates can include an element's gate dates, if the element is based on a gated class, and milestone dates, such as a product's launch date, that are assigned to the element type and designated as a milestone.

Planning Element Dates Example

When included in a Gantt view, icons above the element span indicate the gate and/or milestone dates defined for the element type:

Hovering over an element's gate or milestone icons will display the project name, gate or metric name, the date, and metric name and value that defines its displayed color (if applicable). These metrics can be changed by hovering over the element and clicking Menu Icon to change the element's details.

To display date and/or milestone dates in a Gantt view:

  1. From the Planning menu, select Planning Board.
  1. Create a view or display a saved Gantt view.
  2. Click Gears Icon next to the view name to display the additional view settings dialog.
  3. In the Show Objects section, select one or both of the following options:
  • Select the Gates check box to display any gate dates that have been defined for the elements included in the view.
  • Select the Milestones check box to display any milestone dates that have been defined for the elements included in the view.
  1. (Optional) In the Show Legends section, select the Milestones check box to add a legend to the view.
  2. Click Create to display a new view, or Refresh View to apply the changes and refresh an existing view.

  3. Click Save in the top right corner of the view to save your changes to the view.


  • The milestone legend will display all icons in black, regardless of the milestone icon colors displayed within the planning view.
  • The Gantt view is part of Accolade Roadmapping, an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.